Purchasing car insurance in the USA, whether you're an international student on an F1 or H1 visa, involves several steps:

1. Understand Insurance Requirements:

  • Familiarize yourself with the minimum insurance requirements in the state where you reside.
  • Most states mandate liability coverage, which covers damages to others if you're at fault in an accident.

2. Types of Coverage:

  • Learn about different types of coverage available, such as liability, comprehensive, collision, personal injury protection (PIP), and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.

3. Research Insurance Providers:

  • Research various insurance companies and compare quotes online.
  • Look for insurers that offer coverage suitable for international students or newcomers.

4. Gather Necessary Information:

  • Prepare required information such as your driver's license, vehicle details, driving history, and personal information.
  • Some insurers might require additional documents like proof of residence or a social security number.

5. Get Quotes and Compare:

  • Contact insurance companies or use their websites to get quotes based on your information.
  • Compare coverage, deductibles, premiums, and available discounts to find the best option.

6. Select a Policy:

  • Choose an insurance policy that fits your budget and offers the coverage you need.
  • Contact the insurance company or agent to finalize the policy.

7. Purchase and Pay:

  • Make the initial payment to activate the insurance coverage.
  • Familiarize yourself with the payment schedule and payment methods for future premiums.


  • Understand Coverage: Ensure you understand what your policy covers and any exclusions or limitations.
  • Maintain Continuous Coverage: Keep your insurance active to comply with state laws and protect yourself from financial liabilities in case of accidents.
  • Explore Discounts: Inquire about available discounts for students, good driving records, or multiple policies.

Remember, the cost of insurance can vary based on factors like driving history, location, type of car, and coverage options. It's crucial to choose a policy that meets both legal requirements and your personal needs. Always read the policy documents thoroughly before purchasing.